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Dr. Ana Santos Ferro
- Director Department of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology
- Degree in Dental Medicine at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon.
- Postgraduate degree in Periodontology at the University of Gothenburg.
- Specialization in Periodontology at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon.
- Title of Specialist in Periodontology at the Col gio da Ordem dos M dicos Dentistas.
- Invited Assistant in Periodontology at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon.
- Exclusive clinical practice in Periodontology, Oral Surgery and Implantology.
- FOR Board member.
- Nobel BiocareTM Keyspeaker.
- Guest speaker at several National and International Conferences on Periodontology, Oral Rehabilitation, Implantology and Guided Surgery.
- Author and co-author of several scientific articles and book chapters.
- Reviewer of several international scientific journals